The Supreme Court of Appeal was confirmed as the 47th Member during the 6th Congress of Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) held from 21-24th November, 2022 in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.
Hon. Justice of Supreme Court Frank Kapanda, SC represented the Chief Justice at the congress attended by over 50 African Supreme Courts, Constitutional Courts and Tribunals. The confirmation process, done alongside the Supreme Courts of Libya (46th) and Mauritius (48th), qualifies Malawi to participate in the generation of activities with all affiliated African Jurisdictions. The Constitutional Courts of the Russian Federation, Turkey and Supreme Court of Brazil do participate as observer non-AU members.
CCJA, established by decision of the African Union in 2011, holds the bi-annual congress to facilitate judicial dialogue between constitutional judges on the African scale. The exchanges that take place between judges from various parts of the continent furthers reflection on arguments, which promote the basic goals inherent to national constitutions.
The four (4) day congress, held under the theme ‘The African Constitutional Courts and International Law’ discussed the status of international treaties in the domestic law; promotion of constitutional justice in Africa; promotion of solidarity and mutual aid; and highlighted Africa’s contributions on the international playing field in the area of constitutional justice. The Supreme Court of Malawi made its strong contribution in areas of;
- The Status of the International Standard in the Malawi Constitution
- Procedures Regarding Monitoring International Compliance and
- Specificities, Limits and Impact of Monitoring
The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe will host the 7TH Congress to be held in 2024 in Victoria Falls.
During the congress, the Supreme Court engaged the Venice Commission to join the World Conference for Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) which unites 119 Constitutional Courts and Councils and Supreme Courts in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia/Oceania and Europe. WCCJ promotes constitutional justice – understood as constitutional review including human rights case-law – as a key element for democracy, the protection of human rights and the rule of law.