The Supreme Court of Appeal Sits in Memory of Departed Judicial Officers and Legal Practitioners

The Supreme Court Bench

The Supreme Court of Appeal’s 11 Justices sat on Thursday 28th September, 2023 in memory of departed members of the Bench and the Bar. The Honourable the Attorney General, Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda and the President of the Malawi Law Society, Mr Patrick Mpaka were in attendance, among other legal professionals. Family members of the departed were also in attendance.

In his address at the ceremony, the Honourable the Chief Justice stated that the event was important as it celebrates the contributions made by the departed judicial officers and legal practitioners to the protection of the Constitution, the rule of law and democracy. He hailed the departed for having executed their legal responsibilities with due diligence, commitment and determination.

The Attorney General and the Malawi Law Society also addressed the Court.   

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