Judiciary Committee on Elections (JCE) is a Committee within Malawi Judiciary which was established by the Honourable the Chief Justice of the Republic of Malawi, Honourable Justice Rezine Robert Mzikamanda JA SC on the 12th of January 2024. The JCE was established for the overall purpose of advising and recommending to the Chief Justice and the Judiciary institutional arrangements, legislative reform and administrative mechanisms as well as measures for the efficient and effective disposal of election-related disputes and to perform any incidental roles or functions as assigned by the Chief Justice.
The Terms of Reference for the JCE are;
- To advise the Judiciary on administrative arrangements and measures for the efficient disposal of election-related disputes;
- To develop and implement, in collaboration with the Judiciary Training Committee, a training programme for the efficient and effective management of the election dispute for judicial officers and members of staff;
- To advise and support initiatives by the Chief Justice, Judiciary, and other stakeholders in proposing the review of electoral dispute resolution legislation; court rules and procedures, institutional arrangements, administrative mechanisms, and measures for the efficient disposal of election-related disputes;
- To advise the Chief Justice and facilitate structured consultations with stakeholders on the efficient, effective, and timely resolution of election-related disputes;
- To advise the Judiciary on the information that needs to be developed and disseminated to the public through avenues available to pursue electoral justice and the approaches to be adopted;
- To develop and design a system for monitoring and evaluating the management of election-related disputes in court and to establish an efficient electoral dispute resolution case management system. This includes integrating and deploying technology to automate the court’s handling of election disputes;
- To mobilize resources for the ToRs implementation, in conjunction with the Registrar and the Malawi Judiciary Development Programme (MJDP);
- To perform any incidental role or other functions that may be assigned by the Chief Justice.