Following the launch of, Health and Wellness Programme for the Judiciary, on 25th March, 2022 the Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda, SC took time to launch the said Programme in the Northern Judicial Region. This followed regional launches for the Southern and Central Judicial Regions which the Chief Justice presided over in the year 2022.
The Northern Judicial Region launch took place in the city of Mzuzu, on 15th March, 2024. It was attended by some judicial officers and members of staff of the Judiciary from that region. The launch started in the morning with presentations from NICO Asset Managers and St John of God Hospital. NICO Asset Managers presented on investment and highlighted the various investment opportunities available in the Company. The presenter from NICO Asset Managers emphasized that investment gains contribute to reduced stress that may arise from reliance on income from salary only. He encouraged Judiciary employees to develop the habit of investing in various investment portfolios available in the company.
The presenters from St John of God took the audience through the various stages of mental health, signs and symptoms of each stage and support and treatment available for each stage. They underscored the need for and importance of having a mentally health and stress-free workforce. The presenters stated that it is only a mentally health workforce that can propel an organization to success.
The day’s event ended with a 15-minute health walk followed by aerobics session in the afternoon.
In his opening and closing remarks, Chief Justice Mzikamanda, SC reiterated the importance of having a wellness programme in the workplace. The Chief Justice urged for continuity and sustainability of the programme in the Northern Region and Judiciary as a whole as a health workforce is key to productiveness and execution of its mandate of delivering quality justice to the public.